Working with nature to protect our world’s freshwater

The Ingham County Drain Commissioner’s office is dedicated to managing stormwater and protecting the Great Lakes through systemic thinking and biomimicry.

Not moving water, but managing water

Explore the signature drains of Ingham County, Michigan and the unique solutions to stormwater management

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Raising the standard

Low-impact design is more than just building something, like a rain garden. It’s a way of life; a personal and collective commitment to living in a way that has a low impact on the earth. To make this happen, it is our duty to inform the public and hold local ordinances and State and Federal laws accountable.

Updated standards to be published December 2025

Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control

Erosion and sedimentation leads to increased flooding, damage to plant and animal life, and structural damage to buildings and roads. Ingham County’s Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control (SESC) program protects waterways by assuring appropriate design and execution measures are taken during earth-moving activities.


About us

“I believe that government must be open, accessible and user-friendly. To that end, the Ingham County Drain office opens its doors to serve the public in whatever manner possible.” 

Patrick E. Lindemann
Ingham County Drain Commissioner

In case of emergency call:

Carla Clos, Deputy Drain Commissioner

Paul C. Pratt, Deputy Drain Commissioner

Eric Daldos, Supervisor of Drain Operations & Maintenance

For non-emergency requests:

Angie Cosman, Drain Engineer

Jason Lynn, Project Coordinator

Sheldon Lewis, Administrative Assistant

Eric Daldos, Supervisor of Drain Operations & Maintenance