Environmental educational videos
Hand-picked videos by the Ingham County Drain Commissioner to help citizens, students and teachers contribute to the wellbeing of the environment.

Green infrastructure & treatment train heroes
Tardigrades! 10 minutes - Ingham County Drain Commissioner teaches about these tough, little clean-up crews.
A YouTube Short - Neil deGrasse Tyson explains tardigrades.
The water bear 2 minutes - How do tardigrades help clean pollutants?
The way of the future 6 minutes - An introduction of Ingham County’s approach to water management using biomimicry.
Dragonflies 13 minutes - A 3D animation explaining the secrets behind the extraordinary agility and hunting efficiency of dragonflies.

TEDxSavannah Microplastics: A local problem with a local solution 10 minutes - Marine and freshwater scientist Jay Brandes discusses the amount of microplastics in waterways and a hope for the future.

Understanding rivers
Why Rivers Move 15 minutes - Explaining why river channels shift and meander, and the tools engineers use to manage the process.
Why Engineers Can’t Control Rivers 15 minutes - The unintended consequences of trying to change the course of rivers.
Understanding stormwater runoff
CBS This Morning 6 minutes - Stormwater runoff carries toxins and raw sewage into waterways. Tony Dokoupil reports on the people working to fix this problem.
Non-point Source Pollution 8 minutes - An easy explanation of how we unknowingly pollute the Great Lakes.

Learn the rich history of managing water
Unveiling Ingenious Water Systems 13 minutes - From India's awe-inspiring stepwells to the Incas' ingenious terraces, discover how these ancient innovations not only supported life, but fueled amazing achievements.