Willow Creek Drain

Stream bank erosion threatened Willow Creek, its biological integrity, water quality and appearance.

In 1995, EGLE (known as MDEQ at the time) awarded a Section 319 Non-Point Source Pollution grant to the Ingham County Drain Commissioner for improving and preserving the creek.

Stream Bank Stabilization Technical Manual using Soil Bioengineering Techniques

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This manual, prepared by Ingham County Drain Commissioner Patrick Lindemann, provides a practical field guide for the user to reasonably apply, specify and install soil bioengineering systems.

Awards Received

Michigan Section of the American Society of Civil Engineering:
Stream Bank Stabilization, Quality of Life Award

Willow Creek, Aurelius Township, 1997

Michigan Association of County Drain Commissioners
Rural Drainage and Stormwater Management Award

Willow Creek, Aurelius Township, 1996